PhD Theses
Luca Cavicchioli
From superfluids to droplets: quantum phenomena with a tunable Bose-Bose mixture (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2024)
Giulio Biagioni
Can a superfluid be solid? A study of the supersolid phase in a dipolar quantum gas (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2024)
Ivana Mastroserio
Realizing quantum protocols with an atom-chip for quantum embedding and reversed quantum dynamics (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Napoli Federico II (2021)
Giulia Del Pace
Tunneling transport in strongly-interacting atomic Fermi gases (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2021)
Lorenzo Franchi
Experiments with strongly interacting Yb atoms in optical lattices (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2020)
Hoang-Van Do
Applying quantum Zeno effect to noise sensing and geometrical phase detection (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2020)
Leonardo Masi
Realization of a beat-note optical lattice for interferometry with Bose-Einstein condensates (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2020)
Elettra Neri
Mass imbalanced Fermi mixtures with 2- and 3-body resonant interactions (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2019)
Andrea Amico
Probing the many body dynamics of ultracold repulsive Fermi gases of lithium atoms (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2019)
Elia Perego
A novel setup for trapping and cooling Barium ions for atom-ion experiments (EN)
PhD thesis - Polytechnic of Torino (2019)
Giovanni Ferioli
Self-bound quantum droplets in Bose-Bose mixture (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2019)
Lorenzo Francesco Livi
New quantum simulations with ultracold Ytterbium gases (EN)
PhD thesis (preliminary) - University of Firenze (2018)
Stefano Gherardini
Noise as a resource - Probing and manipulating classical and quantum dynamical systems via stochastic measurements (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2018)
Giulia Faraoni
Quantum systems of ultracold atoms with tunable interactions (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2018)
Simona Scaffidi Abbate
Exploring quantum phase slips in 1D bosonic systems (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2018)
Cosimo Lovecchio
Control of quantum dynamics on an atom chip (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2017)
Giacomo Valtolina
Superfluid and spin dynamics of strongly interacting atomic Fermi gases (EN)
PhD thesis - Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (2016)
Giacomo Cappellini
Two-orbital quantum physics in Yb Fermi gases exploiting the 1S0 → 3P0 clock transition (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2016)
Giulia Semeghini
Ultracold atoms in three-dimensional disorder: measurement of the mobility edge and effect of weak interactions (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2016)
Marco Mancini
Quantum Simulation with Ytterbium Atoms in Synthetic Dimensions (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2016)
Guido Pagano
Many-body physics with Ytterbium Fermi gases in optical lattices: from one-dimensional systems to orbital magnetism (EN)
PhD thesis - Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (2015)
Lorenzo Gori
1D bosons in optical lattices: from Superfluid to Bose glass (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2014)
Avinash Kumar
One dimensional bosons: Atoms to molecules (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2014)
Luca Tanzi
One-dimensional disordered bosons from weak to strong interactions: the Bose glass (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2013)
Pietro Lombardi
Coherent manipulation of the internal state of an atomic gas:from atomic memories to atomic interferometers (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze and University of Paris VI (2012)
Ivan Herrera
Degenerate quantum gases production and coherent manipulation on atom chips (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Madrid (2012)
Eleonora Lucioni
Experiments with interacting bosons in a disordered lattice (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2011)
Manuele Landini
A tunable Bose-Einstein condensate for quantum interferometry (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2011)
Nicole Fabbri
Bragg spectroscopy of quantum gases: exploring physics in one dimension (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2010)
Giovanni Barontini
Ultracold Bose-Bose mixtures with tunable interspecies interactions (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2009)
Chiara D'Errico
Anderson localization of a weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2008)
Luigi De Sarlo
Ultracold bosonic mixtures: cold collisions and optical lattices (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2007)
Matteo Zaccanti
Tuning of the interactions in ultracold K-Rb quantum gases (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2007)
Jacopo Catani
A new apparatus for ultracold K-Rb Bose-Bose atomic mixtures (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2006)
Leonardo Fallani
Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2005)
Francesca Ferlaino
Atomic Fermi gases in an optical lattice (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Firenze (2004)
Giacomo Roati
Quantum degenerate Potassium-Rubidium mixtures (EN)
PhD thesis - University of Trento (2003)
Master Theses
Beatrice Restivo
Realization and characterization of LiCr ultracold bosonic dimers (IT)
Master thesis - University of Florence (2023)
Antonio Cosco
Optimized production and probing of resonantly interacting lithium-chromium Fermi mixtures (EN)
Master thesis - University of Florence (2023)
Andrea Santoni
Realization of a gradiometer with ultra-cold atoms trapped in DW potentials (IT)
Master thesis - University of Florence (2022)
Niccolò Preti
Towards dipolar quantum gases in a ring (EN)
Master thesis - University of Florence (2022)
Nicola Grani
Instability of persistent currents in fermionic superfluid rings (EN)
Master thesis - University of Florence (2022)
Marco Fedrizzi
Observing persistent currents in annular fermionic superfluids (EN)
Master thesis - University of Milano (2021)
Stefano Finelli
Ultracold chromium - lithium fermionic mixtures with resonant interactions (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2021)
Luca Guariento
Development of optical tweezer techniques with Acousto Optic Deflectors for atomic quantum simulators (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2021)
Alessandro Muzi Falconi
Realization of spin-dependent optical potentials for quantum transport in ultracold Fermi gases (EN)
Master thesis - University of Milano (2021)
Nicolò Antolini
Towards strongly dipolar superfluids in two dimensions (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2020)
Julián Gabriel Maloberti
Observation of superfluidity in a dipolar supersolid through non-classical rotational inertia (EN)
Master thesis - University of Milano (2020)
Giulio Biagioni
Evidence of superfluidity in a dipolar supersolid through non-classical rotational inertia (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2020)
Irene Goti
Towards the production of ultracold mixtures of Lithium and Chromium atoms (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2019)
Francesca Famà
Observation of a rotonic "stripe phase" in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate (EN)
Master thesis - University of Pisa (2018)
Giulia Del Pace
Tailored optical potentials for experiments with atomic superfluids (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2018)
Alessandro Fregosi
Optical Trapping of Dysprosium Atoms in view of a Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate (EN)
Master thesis - University of Pisa (2018)
Riccardo Panza
Manipulating ultracold atomic Fermi gases with tailored optical potentials (EN)
Master thesis - University of Milano (2018)
Daniele Tusi
Fotoassociazione e manipolazione coerente di molecole in un gas ultrafreddo mediante risonanza di Feshbach orbitale (IT)
Master thesis - University of Milano - Bicocca (2018)
Giada Binella
Misura delle proprietà collisionali di gas ultrafreddi di Itterbio e sviluppo di una sorgente laser per la loro manipolazione (IT)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2017)
Eleonora Lippi
Realization of a large-spacing optical lattice for trapping fermionic lithium gases in two dimensions (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2017)
Marcel Diem
Synthetic gauge field and spin-orbit coupling studies with Ytterbium atoms (EN)
Master thesis - University of Hamburg (2017)
Lorenzo Franchi
Controllo di fermioni ultrafreddi con una transizione ottica di orologio: accoppiamento spin-orbita e dimensioni sintetiche (IT)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2016)
Francesco-Savino Di Noia
Realization and characterization of a 425.5 nm laser source for 53Cr atoms cooling obtained via second harmonic generation (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2015)
Francesco Poggiali
Ultranarrow laser stabilization with long-distance optical-fiber link for experiments with Ytterbium ultracold gases (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2015)
Elettra Neri
Coherent dynamics of 6Li superfuid Fermi gases within a double-well potential across the BEC-BCS crossover (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2015)
Leonardo Del Bino
Development of an experimental apparatus for the realization of dipolar quantum gases of Dysprosium atoms (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2015)
Elia Perego
Generation of arbitrary optical potentials for atomic physics experiments using a Digital Micromirror Device (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2015)
Andrea Amico
Measurement of the Equation of State of superfluid Fermi gases of 6Li atoms (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2015)
Simona Scaffidi Abbate
Trasporto di un superfluido in un potenziale periodico unidimensionale (IT)
Master thesis - University of Palermo (2014)
Giacomo Colzi
Atom interferometry with a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a double-well potential (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2014)
Klejdja Xhani
Production and Observation of Degenerate Quantum Gases of 6Li Fermionic Atoms (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2014)
Lorenzo Livi
Generation of coherent atomic states through forbidden transitions in ultracold Fermi gases
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2014)
Andrea Morales
High resolution imaging and production of thin barriers for ultracold 6Li Fermi
gases (EN)
Master thesis - University of Roma - La Sapienza (2013)
Giacomo Cappellini
Development of a laser system for the encoding of qubits on degenerate Ytterbium atoms
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2012)
Marco Mancini
Realizzazione sperimentale di un gas quantistico degenere di atomi di Itterbio (IT)
Master thesis - University of Milano (2012)
Sahand Eslami
Bose-Einstein condensation of 39K with tunable interactions (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2011)
Giacomo Valtolina
Development of an experimental apparatus for the production and study of ultracold atomic gases of fermionic lithium (EN)
Master thesis - University of Milano - Bicocca (2012)
Guido Pagano
Raffreddamento e intrappolamento di atomi di Itterbio (IT)
Master thesis - University of Roma - La Sapienza (2011)
Stefano Conclave
Transizione di Mott in una miscela Bose-Bose a interazioni controllabili (IT)
Master thesis - University of Roma - La Sapienza (2011)
Vladislav Gavryusev
Density correlation of a mixture of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice (IT)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2011)
Lorenzo Gori
Exploring the phase diagram of a disordered Bose gas (EN)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2010)
Leonardo Carcagnì
Un nuovo apparato per BEC ad interazione controllabile (IT)
Master thesis - University of Salento (2010)
Luca Tanzi
Condensati di Bose-Einstein debolmente interagenti in un reticolo ottico (IT)
Master thesis - University of Milano (2009)
Marco Larcher
Anderson localization of atomic gases in quasi-periodic potentials
Master thesis - University of Trento (2009)
Antonio Mio
Modulazione diretta di un diodo Laser a 6.6 GHz per raffreddamento atomico (IT)
Master thesis - University of Catania (2008)
Nicole Fabbri
Diagnostica Hanbury Brown e Twiss per bosoni ultrafreddi in reticoli ottici (IT)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2007)
Jacopo Giacomelli
Localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a 1D random optical potential
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2007)
Giovanni Barontini
Miscele di bosoni ultra-freddi in una nuova trappola magnetica: raffreddamento simpatetico 39K-87Rb (IT)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2006)
Chiara D'Errico
Osservazione di risonanze di Fano-Feshbach in miscele atomiche K-Rb (IT)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2005)
Luigi De Sarlo
Instabilità di un condensato di Bose-Einstein in un reticolo ottico (IT)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2003)
Francesco Nesi
Study of the dynamical superfluid-insulator phase transition for a BEC in an optical lattice
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2003)
Jacopo Catani
Interazione tra un'onda di materia coerente e un reticolo ottico (IT)
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2002)
Pietro Massignan
A 1D model for the expansion of Bose-Einstein condensates from optical lattice
Master thesis - University of Firenze (2002)