Taming, slowing and trapping atoms with light
Cold is quantum, Quantum is cool!
We shape quantum matter
Multicolored lasers for a variety of atoms
Keeping our eyes on the quantum world
Join our ultracool group!
High technology for great science

Welcome to the website of the Ultracold Quantum Gases group at the European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Florence (Italy) and the Institute of Optics of the Italian National Research Council (CNR - INO). In our labs we use lasers and magnetic fields to produce the lowest temperatures of the Universe, just a few billionths of a degree above absolute zero...

At these temperatures, atoms stop moving and we can control them for a variety of different fundamental studies and applications. We can force atoms to arrange according to a periodic structure and simulate the behavior of crystalline solids and new materials. We can use the atoms as ultra-high accurate sensors to probe forces with the power of quantum mechanics. We can study how quantum particles combine together under the action of strong interactions and how superfluidity develops. We can use these ultracold atoms to process information and develop new quantum technologies.

Dress warmly and... follow us for this ultracold journey!


Innsbruck-Firenze Meeting

On 17th-19th April we were in Innsbruck for a joint meeting with the research groups on Ultracold Atoms at IQOQI and University of Innsbruck. Great to be there discussing ultracold physics with old friends of ours and so many young researchers!

Many thanks for the perfect organization and warm hospitality in Innsbruck. See you in Florence next year!

Blue laser for Strontium cooling and imaging

We have completed the optical setup for a 461 nm laser source that will be employed for slowing down, capturing in a 3D MOT and imaging Strontium atoms in the FloRydberg platform.

Blue MOT, we will be there soon!

Vacuum system ready!

We finished the assembly and baking of a really compact ultra-high vacuum apparatus.

Ready to host Strontium atoms!.

Welcome Max!

Max Schemmer has joined the LiCr team as Senior researcher.
Max has previously worked on 1-D quantum gases during his PhD under supervision of Isabelle Bouchoule (Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Palaiseau, France), and has has later worked as Marie-Curie fellow on quantum optics with cold atom-optical nanofiber hybrid platforms in the group of Arno Rauschenbeutel (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin).

Viel Glück Max!

Congratulations to Alessio and Max!

Alessio Ciamei and Max Schemmer have both won the "Young Researcher" grant funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with 300k€, each for the next 3 years.
A. C. will realize an ultracold gas of Polar Paramagnetic Molecules (PoPaMol) of LiCr and exploit this new class of molecules to perform ultracold chemistry studies and high precision spectroscopy.
M. S. plans to reveal Majorana states in Li-Cr p-wave superfluids, paving the way for topological quantum computing (MajorSuperQ).

Buona fortuna a entrambi!