By investigating the tunneling transport of ultracold atomic Fermi gases, we reveal for the first time a peculiar enhancement of the conductance of neutral superfluids, in contrast with charged superconductors. — Both superfluids and superconductors owe their distinctive frictionless flow to their condensed nature, namely the macroscopic occupation of a single quantum state. Regardless of the electric charge of the constituent particles, condensation results in the emergence of the Josephson effect: a tunneling current flows when two superfluid reservoirs are coupled with one another through a thin insulating barrier in a so-called Josephson junction. G. Del Pace et al. |
It is a great privilege for us to welcome Nigel Cooper, Professor in Theoretical Physics of University of Cambridge. Prof. Cooper will honour us with his presence for one year as a Visiting Professor of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Florence. |
We have experimentally and theoretically studied how the interactions affect the interference pattern of two expanding 87Rb condensates. Our analysis shows that the condensate phase is modified by the mutual interaction only in the region where the wave packets overlap. This result proves that the general assumption of phase rigidity has to be abandoned for an accurate description of matter-wave interference. A. Burchianti et al. |
We study the ultimate bounds on the sensitivity of a Bloch-oscillation atom interferometer where the external force is estimated from the measurement of the on-site atomic density. For external forces such that the energy difference between lattice sites is smaller than the tunneling energy, the atomic wave-function spreads over many lattice sites, increasing the separation between the occupied modes of the lattice and naturally enhancing the sensitivity of the interferometer. To investigate the applicability of this scheme we estimate the effect of uncontrolled fluctuations of the tunneling energy and the finite resolution of the atom detection. Our analysis shows that a horizontal lattice combined with a weak external force allow for high sensitivities. Therefore, this setup is a promising solution for compact devices or for measurements with high spatial resolution. I. Nałȩcz, et al., |
Within the CriLiN project, EU-funded through a Marie Skłodowska-Curie action, Alessio will develop a novel type of atomic quantum simulator with long-range, multi-body interactions. |