Atoms few, damned but quick... Magnetic fields sources, RF antennas, optical structures, all integrated in a micro-chip with a Bose-Einstein condensate a few hundred microns from the surface: an "Atom chip". The benefits are higher trap frequencies, shorter evaporative time, better atom-field coupling plus a much (much) cheaper set-up. The goal of our experiment is to make the best use of Atom chips for quantum technological applications.

Joel begins his PhD journey with us!

We are excited to announce that Joel George has joined our group to pursue his PhD on quantum dynamics control using an integrable CMOS-compatible atom chip testbed. Joel’s project will focus on developing a load-lock system for the rapid replacement of atom chips without breaking the vacuum in the science cell. This innovative testbed will advance applications in atom interferometry, magnetometry, and quantum interfaces. His PhD is fully supported by the Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Matter Wave Interferometer (MAWI). Welcome aboard, and best of luck, Joel!