Atoms few, damned but quick... Magnetic fields sources, RF antennas, optical structures, all integrated in a micro-chip with a Bose-Einstein condensate a few hundred microns from the surface: an "Atom chip". The benefits are higher trap frequencies, shorter evaporative time, better atom-field coupling plus a much (much) cheaper set-up. The goal of our experiment is to make the best use of Atom chips for quantum technological applications.

Energetics and quantumness of Fano coherence generation

In a multi-level quantum system Fano coherences stand for the formation of quantum coherences due to the interaction with the continuum of modes characterizing an incoherent process. In this paper we propose a V-type three-level quantum system on which we certify the presence of genuinely quantum traits underlying the generation of Fano coherences. We do this by determining work conditions that allows for the loss of positivity of the Kirkwood-Dirac quasiprobability distribution of the stochastic energy changes within the discrete system. We also show the existence of nonequilibrium regimes where the generation of Fano coherences leads to a non-negligible excess energy given by the amount of energy that is left over with respect to the energy of the system at the beginning of the transformation. Excess energy is attained provided the initial state of the discrete system is in a superposition of the energy eigenbasis. We conclude the paper by studying the thermodynamic efficiency of the whole process.

L. Donati et al.
Energetics and quantumness of Fano coherence generatio
Scientific Report 14, 20145 (2024)

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