Fermions with tunable interactions... In the lithium lab we produce ultracold Fermi gases of 6Li to explore out-of-equilibrium dynamics and transport phenomena in strongly correlated fermionic matter. Atoms are confined into light-imprinted potential structures, simulating the motion of electrons in solid state devices. Our main goal is the study of two-dimensional strongly correlated phases, such as superfluidity across the BCS-BEC crossover and its robustness to disorder.

Happy QST year!

In occasion of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technologies, the Italian National tv Rai realized a video on the reaserch activities at CNR-INO, including our work at LiLab! For this occasion we create the atomic version of the YQST logo: the few thousands of atoms in DMD-sculpted optical potential wishes you a happy QST year!

Watch the full video here