Mass imbalanced fermions are great! In the CrLi lab we produce novel ultracold mixtures composed by Lithium and Chromium fermionic atoms. At the Cr-Li mass ratio exotic trimer states exist, which in turn will allow the first resonant control of elastic three-body interactions. This opens new perspectives for the study of elusive superfluid and magnetic phases with ultracold fermions.

Congratulations to Alessio and Max!

Alessio Ciamei and Max Schemmer have both won the "Young Researcher" grant funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with 300k€, each for the next 3 years.
A. C. will realize an ultracold gas of Polar Paramagnetic Molecules (PoPaMol) of LiCr and exploit this new class of molecules to perform ultracold chemistry studies and high precision spectroscopy.
M. S. plans to reveal Majorana states in Li-Cr p-wave superfluids, paving the way for topological quantum computing (MajorSuperQ).

Buona fortuna a entrambi!