Mass imbalanced fermions are great! In the CrLi lab we produce novel ultracold mixtures composed by Lithium and Chromium fermionic atoms. At the Cr-Li mass ratio exotic trimer states exist, which in turn will allow the first resonant control of elastic three-body interactions. This opens new perspectives for the study of elusive superfluid and magnetic phases with ultracold fermions.

Welcome Max!

Max Schemmer has joined the LiCr team as Senior researcher.
Max has previously worked on 1-D quantum gases during his PhD under supervision of Isabelle Bouchoule (Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Palaiseau, France), and has has later worked as Marie-Curie fellow on quantum optics with cold atom-optical nanofiber hybrid platforms in the group of Arno Rauschenbeutel (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin).

Viel Glück Max!