Mass imbalanced fermions are great! In the CrLi lab we produce novel ultracold mixtures composed by Lithium and Chromium fermionic atoms. At the Cr-Li mass ratio exotic trimer states exist, which in turn will allow the first resonant control of elastic three-body interactions. This opens new perspectives for the study of elusive superfluid and magnetic phases with ultracold fermions.

Lithium gets degenerate for the second time in Florence!

In the middle of the hot Tuscan summer, we could bring to quantum degeneracy large samples of 6Li atoms in our setup. With the same all-optical strategies already developed in the LiLab, we can achieve crossover superfluids, as well as highly degenerate Fermi gases, of up to 1 million atoms. (In the image, the hydrodynamic expansion of a crossover superfluid of about 700000 pairs).