Mass imbalanced fermions are great! In the CrLi lab we produce novel ultracold mixtures composed by Lithium and Chromium fermionic atoms. At the Cr-Li mass ratio exotic trimer states exist, which in turn will allow the first resonant control of elastic three-body interactions. This opens new perspectives for the study of elusive superfluid and magnetic phases with ultracold fermions.

Understanding Josephson tunneling in strongly interacting Fermi superfluids in the simplest way!

Together with Wilhelm Zwerger, we developed a simple analytic model to quantitatively describe the Josephson tunneling between two Fermi superfluids along the entire BCS-BEC crossover. Our work just got published in Phys. Rev. A.

M. Zaccanti, W. Zwerger,
Critical Josephson current in BCS-BEC–crossover superfluids
Phys. Rev. A 100, 063601 (2019)