An ultracold gas plus an ion! In our project, we plan to realize a new-generation atom-ion machine in order to realize new quantum simulations of a many-body system in the presence of one or more localized impurities. With this setup, we plan to investigate fundamental atom-ion interactions in the ultracold regime, and to use these controlled interactions to realize a platform for investigating out-of-equilibrium quantum systems and quantum thermodynamics.

A scalable control apparatus for experiments with hybrid quantum systems

Modern experiments with complex quantum systems should ideally be managed by a control apparatus capable of carrying out complex tasks, such as self-optimization procedures and realization of feedback loops acting on different channels. To achieve these goals, we developed a novel control system formed by both a hardware and a software part. Specifically, the hardware is based on a net of interconnected FPGAs able to process incoming and outgoing data directly on board, whereas the software is designed to exploit the capabilities of such a general hardware platform and to be easily expanded to manage other devices or instrumentation changes.

E. Perego, et al.
A scalable hardware and software control apparatus for experiments with hybrid quantum systems
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 113116 (2018)