h. 09:45 Aula Querzoli, LENS
Group Tutorial by Vladislav Gavryusev (Sr Rydberg Group):
Laser Frequency Stabilization and linewidth characterization
h. 14:30 Aula Querzoli, LENS
Group Seminar by Niccolò Preti (Dy Group):
Partially quantized currents in superfluids and supersolids
h. 12:00 Aula Querzoli, LENS
Seminar by Igor Ferrier-Barbut (Institut d`Optique, Palaiseau, France):
Collective light scattering on a chain of single atoms
h. 15:00 Aula Querzoli, LENS
Seminar by Alberto Biella (Pitaevskii BEC Center, CNR-INO and Università di Trento, Italy):
The quantum Zeno effect in many-body systems: from Bose gasses to quantum circuits
h. 10:00 Aula Querzoli, LENS
Seminar by Pedro Henrique Cook Cunha ( Instituto de Física de São Carlos - Universidade de São Paulo (IFSC-USP)):
Quantum Hydrodynamic instabilities in a 2D Bose Gas of Potassium
h. 14:30 Aula Magna, Phys. Dept.
Seminar by Johannes Zeiher (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany):
Quantum gas microscopy of Hubbard systems in and out of equilibrium
h. 9.30 Aula Querzoli, LENS
Group Seminar by Gabriele Gatta (Ba+/Li group):
Towards atom-ion mixtures