Job positions

What about your PhD in Florence? There are several PhD positions available every year, within different Doctoral programmes:

  • LENS International PhD programme in Atomic and Molecular Photonics
  • UNIFI PhD programme in Physics and Astrophysics
  • UNINA-CNR-UNICAM PhD programme in Quantum Technologies
The application deadline is in June-July, with the actual PhD starting in November.

Interested in a PostDoc? We are always looking for good and motivated researchers to join our group! You can contact directly the group leaders referenced in the research pages to have more info on the specific projects, or contact us at the address below for general info and candidatures.

Contact information

For questions on the activity of the group, requests of material, job opportunities... please e-mail us at

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and stay in contact with us on the social networks:

How to reach us

LENS is located in Sesto Fiorentino, just a few km away from the downtown of Florence (Italy).

For detailed travel information you can visit this page.