Taming, slowing and trapping atoms with light
Cold is quantum, Quantum is cool!
We shape quantum matter
Multicolored lasers for a variety of atoms
Keeping our eyes on the quantum world
Join our ultracool group!
High technology for great science
Taming, slowing and trapping atoms with light

Welcome to the website of the Ultracold Quantum Gases group at the European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Florence (Italy) and the Institute of Optics of the Italian National Research Council (CNR - INO). In our labs we use lasers and magnetic fields to produce the lowest temperatures of the Universe, just a few billionths of a degree above absolute zero...

At these temperatures, atoms stop moving and we can control them for a variety of different fundamental studies and applications. We can force atoms to arrange according to a periodic structure and simulate the behavior of crystalline solids and new materials. We can use the atoms as ultra-high accurate sensors to probe forces with the power of quantum mechanics. We can study how quantum particles combine together under the action of strong interactions and how superfluidity develops. We can use these ultracold atoms to process information and develop new quantum technologies.

Dress warmly and... follow us for this ultracold journey!


Cooling Our Way to Quantum Chemistry

credits: APS/YOHOHO

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of quantum mechanics, PRX Quantum has selected our work on Ultracold LiCr molecules for their International Year of Quantum collection, among those highly interdisciplinary papers impacting the next decade of quantum science.

Check it out at the link below!

Our selected paper on Ultracold LiCr: Ultracold : A New Pathway to Quantum Gases of Paramagnetic Polar Molecules | PRX Quantum

Capillary instability observed in a quantum mixture

Our new article has been published in PRL and has received the Editors' Suggestion!


L. Cavicchioli et al.
Dynamical Formation of Multiple Quantum Droplets in a Bose-Bose Mixture
Phys. Rev. Lett. ,134, 093401 (2025)

Looking for a PhD? Join us!

We are looking for applicants who either hold or expect to obtain a Master’s degree in physics or a related field and have a strong interest in atomic physics, photonics, quantum optics, and quantum technology. Join our world-class research environment to explore quantum sciences with ultracold matter.

You can find more information here and on our Jobs Page.


Happy QST year!

In occasion of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technologies, the Italian National tv Rai realized a video on the reaserch activities at CNR-INO, including our work at LiLab! For this occasion we create the atomic version of the YQST logo: the few thousands of atoms in DMD-sculpted optical potential wishes you a happy QST year!

Watch the full video here


Workshop: Quantum Fluids of Light and Matter, Florence 12-14 March

We are pleased to announce a scientific workshop on Quantum Fluids of Light and Matter, jointly organized by CNR-INO and CNR-Nanotec as part of the NQSTI project (Spoke 3 and Spoke 4). The event will take place from March 12-14 at LENS (European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy) in Florence. Researchers from Lecce (CNR-Nanotec), Florence, and Pisa (CNR-INO, University of Florence, LENS) will present their latest work on quantum fluids, exploring topics at the intersection of light-matter interactions, atomic physics, and quantum gases.

The workshop is designed to foster collaboration and stimulate new ideas, with ample time dedicated to discussions and brainstorming sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to tour the state-of-the-art labs at LENS, which specialize in atomic physics, quantum gases, and photonics, providing a unique chance to engage with cutting-edge experimental setups and techniques. This meeting aims to strengthen connections within the NQSTI community and inspire joint projects that push the boundaries of quantum science and technology. We look forward to welcoming you to Florence for this exciting exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Here you can find the full program of the event, that you can also join remotely at this link.

Scientific Committee
Giovanni Modugno (University of Florence)
Dimitrios Trypogeorgos (CNR Nanotec)
Deborah Capecchi (CNR Nanotec)
Nicolò Antolini (CNR INO)


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